I am truly sorry that I have been away from this blog for several weeks. The primary cause for my absence was what we thought might have been another herniation of one of my lumbar discs (those are the ones in the lower back). It was almost too painful to sit and type at all, so my wife offered to bring the laptop to my bad where I would try to relax and reduce the pain. Unfortunately, that little gimmick didn't work.
My doctor sent me for an MRI and I racked up another 50,000 miles for my "in-tube" flight! I always joke with the technicians as they always ask (as they should) if this is my first time." So we flew above the clouds for over an hour for the 2 sets of films and finally discovered that it indeed, was not a new herniation. Rather, it was a buildup of tissue due to scar tissue and arthritic implications that were impinging on the nerve, thus telling my right leg to make a left turn while I continued straight on! So, last Monday, June 16Th, I entered the med center for a brief procedure called a "nerve block," that has seemed to work quite well in most of my daily circumstances, thus my return.
If you are a reader/follower of this blog, we desperately need your help!
1. encourage as many of your circle of friends, from both near and far to visit this site.
2. Once you and/or they have seen what this effort is all about, use the links to contact Ellen DeGeneres, Oprah, and the many manufacturers' links we'll have here as well. Please write them a polite note asking for their help in saving Ms. Jane Goodall's Chimpanzee Eden. If a woman like Ms. Goodall can give as much as her entire life to fostering the proper relationship between humanity and our chimp cousins, how do we ask HER to give more. It is now OUR time to give.
3. If you have any other valuable links that we could use on this site, please email them to me and I'll post them here.
I've added a signature to every email I send out. It's a "clickable" signature that brings the visitor to this page.All it says is, savechimpeden.blogspot.com. That's it. It's that simple. Now if you add a signature to your personal emails, and your friends read it and they do the same thing, imagine what we could do for Eugene, Philippe and all the team at Chimp Eden!
Please.....until next time....
Escape to Chimp Eden

Courtesy Animal Planet/Discovery Comm,
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Pierce Brush Truck

Pierce Brush Truck
I see no updates since last year. Has a truck been donated? I would like to help as much as I can with this cause. I saw the episode with the fire,and was holding my breath the whole time. Please let me know what I can do to help. Thank you,Sonya
6/60/09 - 9:47 AM EDT
Sonya - Thank you for your post. Please refresh your browser and you will see the last couple of updates to the blog. Yes, we still need your help and the blog will tell you how.
Best regards,
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